Monday, July 18, 2011

Guest Blog, Training Log, and Supporting a Good Cause

Hope everyone had a good week and weekend!!  I think I am finally back into the swing of things since returning from Vegas last weekend.  I had a great time and I didn't lose any money gambling!  I only played a little blackjack, but each hand cost $15 to buy in!  I am really somewhat tight with my money so this was scary for me, but I ended up breaking even so I was happy.

Never saw this hand!

Anyway, I have been pretty busy recently so today I wanted to give you all a few links to check out.

First, I put together a guest blog for Rick Kaselj's site: Shoulder Pain and Anterior Humeral Glide

Rick contacted me a while back and asked me to write up a post for him on anterior humeral glide (AHG).  AHG is so common among trainees, and I am often having to correct this mistake.  Therefore, I hope some of my tips can help all of you out with yourself and/or your clients.  Let me know what you think.

Second, I just started my second training phase written by Mike Robertson.  This phase is an intensification phase where I will start to push the weights a little more with lower reps.  The main goal is to get stronger!  Here is the link to the log if you would like to check it out: Zach Moore's Training Log.  I know... really creative name, right?

In this phase, Mike Robertson has me deadlifting off of TWO 45# plates!!  I tried this out yesterday and I never thought I was going to lock it out (check out the video below)!  Considering I am roughly 6'2 and I pull conventional, this is a long way to pull the bar.  I do think it will help out with my pull though because my sticking point is off the floor.

Lastly, Eric Cressey just offered up a 32-minute in-service he did for his staff titled, "Everything Elbow".  He says it covers everything from functional anatomy, to injuries, to injury mechanisms, to strength training program modifications.  The price is only $10 and half of the proceeds go to Youk's Kids a charity founded by the Boston Red Sox star Kevin Youkilis that helps out kids in need.  You can head to the website to find out more about the charity.

I have not had the opportunity to check Cressey's product out yet, but I will and I am certain that it will be well worth the $10!  So go here to support a good cause and learn about the elbow:  "Everything Elbow".

That is all for today.  Have a good week everyone!!


  1. Great post on anterior humeral glide! I've been having problems with it, but after my visit there, I'm more aware of it. If you needed a "what not to do" video, you should have just video taped me while I was there :)

    Outside of rowing with both arms, any tips for those that train alone? Any other cues, activation drills prior, etc...?

    Video can help identify, but it's more "reactive" than "proactive" if someone doesn't have a coach.

    Hope all is well Zach!

    -Jay Bonn

  2. Hey Jay,

    Haha thanks man!

    Good question. It is difficult to coach yourself on this movement. Since you know what you are looking for, I would tell you to keep an eye on your humeral head. This is what I do sometimes to make sure I end up in the right place and do not glide forward. You could also put your opposite hand on your anterior humeral head. If it feels pointy or it comes forward at the end of the pull you know you did something wrong.

    Lastly, at the end of the pull, you can pause and then try to really squeeze your shoulder blade back further. If you do this and your humeral head moves back farther then this is a sign you did not finish with the scapula.

    Hope this helps Jay! Good luck with your training!
